
Insight into the Podcasting

It seems that PodCasting is becoming mainstream. Podcasting according to Wikipedia:

"Podcasting is a method of publishing sound files to the Internet, allowing users to subscribe to a feed and receive new audio files automatically"

Curious about it for some time while browsing the blogs I read, I got to a post that mentioned the Podcasting Blog of Slashdot Review. The 10 minute show runs daily and features tech news and comments. To close the podcast they feature alternative music bands. This bands are usually new groups or independant groups and they use this shows plus their own podcasts to promote themselves. On Thursday June 2 show I discovered this Roanake Virginia band "Barefoot West" that has this cool music with a catchy tune and soft lyrics. "You are You are" song is perfect to be in the caribean or at the beach having a few beers. I have added in my list of links a category for Podcasting. As I discover interesting podcast I wil add them to that category, watch my links. Join the podcasting revolution and start by listening. Now I need someone to give me an IPod to do real Podcast listening.

P.D. BTW check Garage Band for other independant, free and legal music.

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