

I haven't said anything about the current elections results.  To my friends on the loosing side, my deepest sorrows, I have heard that Canada is a nice country (altough a little bit cold) and as an inmigrant myself I can say, that inmigration is the only solution when one's view of a doomed future is something very real in your mind.  To my friends on the winning side, after all the winning hangover think about the bad things that have to be solved, unemployment, big deficits, unfulfilled social security privatization promises, Irak, etc.  Be sure to ask for less government and not for more.  This term offers the historic advantage of having full control of the congress (both houses) the presidency and soon the Supreme Court.  There are no excuses for not accomplishing the offered promises this time around. 

As for myself?  I was not too cheerful for any side as you might remember, but in any case I will stay here DHS willing.  I have seen worst things happen in my home country and regardless of the results I believe that this country has a lot to offer still.

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